Monthly Archives July 2019

” I was in prison and you came to Me…”

I travel the world working on the streets, in schools, orphanages and especially prisons. I know that some of you may not really understand the thinking in dedicating so much time, money and energy to visiting prisons, both in the third world and in the US. It is common to think that they are prisoners, receiving the due punishment for the crime they committed, and of course in many cases this is true. But there are many stories and many issues faced in the juictice system both in the third world and in the US that sometimes we don’t think about.  Sometimes people have the thinking like
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A Tree House

Did you ever have a tree house or cool hiding spot when you were growing up? When I was a kid my dad built my brothers and sisters and I an awesome fort in our yard in Colorado. I would love to hide in there (especially if it was nap time). Sometimes we would build the coolest forts out of boxes and bed sheets in the living room and then spend the night there with our sleeping bags. When it would snow, after the guy plowed up a massive pile in the back, we would dig tunnels and make snow castles
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My Paintings

When I get a little time here and there, I like to mess round with painting. I am not very good but I enjoy it and it helps me relax when I’m super stressed. Enjoy, and if you really like any, I’ll give you a discount and sell it to you for no more than 1,000$ :) :)
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Facing the Rapids

When you can’t go backward, and you can’t go forward, look upward. One day in July I took a kayak trip down a river just outside of Glacier National Park. It was a beautiful day and the part of the river I had done so far was slow and easy so I assumed the river would continue like this and set a time for my parents to pick me up. But presumption is one of the greatest dangers in life and what I did not know was that the river was flooded, and about an hour in, became a class
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