Landing On The Moon
Joshua John| June 2014
653 Words | 6 Minutes
Faith is not an opinion that you hold about God’s existence. It is action. It is a commitment to obedience to the living Person, Jesus. It is a moment when you chose to respond to God.
1. Hearing:
An average person speaks about 13,000 words per day. Hundreds of thousands more are spoken by those all around us. It doesn’t stop. So many words can make all words lose their meaning. Words go in and out of your brain like bees in a hive. On top of this, our own opinions deceive us into thinking that we don’t “need” to hear anything. “I have my opinions, I got my whole thing figured out and that’s the way it is”. If such is your attitude, you will never hear. You must stop everything and everyone, everywhere and listen. Jesus says “If anyone hears these words of Mine…” (Mt.7:24). “…IF ANYONE…” immediately indicates that the majority will not hear, but IF anyone does, there is another step that must be taken.
People wonder why God seems silent. The fact is He has spoken in countless ways. It is you who is silent. There are constant things around us and our own conscience within us that speak to us. More than this, the reaching of your hand and the opening of the New Testament can bring you the very voice of God at any moment you so chose. Still yet God is so deep in His mercy and rich in His love that He works in each of our lives in specific ways to speak to us of Him. If you don’t hear Him, it’s because your bees are buzzing to loud for you to listen. The real question is; will YOU respond?
2. Faith:
So then the question is, if you hear the voice of the Father what will be your response? The default of our nature is when we hear anything about the things of God we file it under the category “not really something I can do”. “I’d probably like to, but I probably can’t.” Sound familiar? Faith is the opposite. It is the child that jumps up and says “I want to do it!”. When everything in you says it’s too far and too much it is faith to say instead, “Okay, Lord, how do I do this? I want you. Let’s go.” Faith is simply the action of believing that what God says is more real than what you think. Faith is changing your focus from YOU, to HIM. When you hear, instead of thinking “how do I do this?”, ask Jesus “how do I do this?”.
The Equation:
Do you know how many people set foot on the moon? 1,200? Nope. 500? Nope. 100? No…. 12! Twelve people have set their feet on the moon. Seven billion on earth but only a dozen have had the rare privilege of a journey beyond the boundaries of our planet. This, my friend, is like what God offers you in this profound compound when you mix hearing with believing. It is the rocket to take you to a very special place. A place of eternal life. It is the only way the things you have seen and heard from my family, and in the gospel can become real in your life. It is the attitude that responds to God with action instead of inaction. Jesus concludes with “If anyone hears these words of mine and acts on them, he will be like a man who builds His house upon the rock” (Mt.7:21). If you would do this, the result is as special as landing on the moon. The majority will never know such an experience. But for those few who will dare to so hear and so respond, it will give them a front row seat the glory of the living God. Read the New Testament. Choose to hear. When you hear. Choose to believe.
Thanks for reading,
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